Source code for xotl.fl.ast.expressions

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (c) Merchise Autrement [~º/~] and Contributors
# All rights reserved.
# This is free software; you can do what the LICENCE file allows you to.
"""The AST of the enriched lambda calculus."""
from typing import (
from collections import deque

from import validate_attrs
from import fst

from xotl.fl.meta import Symbolic
from xotl.fl.ast.base import AST, ILC, Dual
from xotl.fl.ast.types import Type, TypeEnvironment
from xotl.fl.builtins import UnitType

[docs]class Identifier(Dual): """A name (variable if you like).""" def __init__(self, name: Symbolic) -> None: = name def __repr__(self): return f"Identifier({!r})" def __str__(self): return str( def __hash__(self): return hash((Identifier, def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Identifier): return == else: return NotImplemented
# An extension to the algorithm. Literals are allowed, but have a the # most specific type possible.
[docs]class Literal(Dual): """A literal value with its type. The `parser <xotl.fl.parsers.expressions.parse>`:func: only recognizes strings, chars, and numbers (integers and floats are represented by a single type). """ def __init__(self, value: Any, type_: Type, annotation: Any = None) -> None: self.value = value self.type_ = type_ self.annotation = annotation def __repr__(self): if self.annotation is not None: return f"Literal({self.value!r}, {self.type_!r}, {self.annotation!r})" else: return f"Literal({self.value!r}, {self.type_!r})" def __str__(self): return str(self.value) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Literal): return validate_attrs(self, other, ("type", "value", "annotation")) else: return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((Literal, self.value, self.type_, self.annotation))
class _Lambda: """A lambda abstraction over a single parameter. """ def __repr__(self): return f"Lambda({self.varname!r}, {self.body!r})" def __str__(self): return f"\\{self.varname!s} -> {self.body!s}" def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, _Lambda): return self.varname == other.varname and self.body == other.body else: return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((type(self), self.varname, self.body))
[docs]class Lambda(_Lambda, AST): def __init__(self, varname: str, body: AST) -> None: self.varname = varname self.body = body def translate(self) -> ILC: return LambdaLC(self.varname, self.body.translate())
class LambdaLC(_Lambda, ILC): def __init__(self, varname: str, body: ILC) -> None: self.varname = varname self.body = body class _Application: """The application of `e1` to its *argument* e2.""" def __repr__(self): return f"Application({self.e1!r}, {self.e2!r})" def __str__(self): e1 = str(self.e1) if " " in e1 and not isinstance(self.e1, _Application): e1 = f"({e1})" e2 = str(self.e2) if " " in e2: e2 = f"({e2})" return f"{e1} {e2}" def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, _Application): return self.e1 == other.e1 and self.e2 == other.e2 else: return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((type(self), self.e1, self.e2))
[docs]class Application(_Application, AST): def __init__(self, e1: AST, e2: AST) -> None: self.e1 = e1 self.e2 = e2 def translate(self) -> ILC: return ApplicationLC(self.e1.translate(), self.e2.translate())
class ApplicationLC(_Application, ILC): def __init__(self, e1: ILC, e2: ILC) -> None: self.e1 = e1 self.e2 = e2 # We assume (as the Book does) that there are no "translation" errors; i.e # that you haven't put a Let where you needed a Letrec. class _LetExpr: def __init__( self, bindings: Mapping[str, Any], body, localenv: TypeEnvironment = None ) -> None: # Sort by names (in a _LetExpr names can't be repeated, repetition for # pattern-matching should be translated to a lambda using the MATCH # operator). self.bindings: Sequence[Tuple[str, Any]] = tuple( sorted(bindings.items(), key=fst) ) self.localenv = localenv or {} # type: TypeEnvironment self.body = body def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, type(self)): return ( self.bindings == other.bindings and self.localenv == other.localenv and self.body == self.body ) else: return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((type(self), self.keys(), self.values(), self.localenv, self.body)) def keys(self) -> Iterator[str]: return (k for k, _ in self.bindings) def values(self) -> Iterator[AST]: return (v for _, v in self.bindings) class _Let(_LetExpr): """A non-recursive Let expression. The `parser <xotl.fl.parsers.expressions.parse>`:func: automatically selects between `Let`:class: and `Letrec`:class. If you're creating the program by hand you should choose appropriately. """ def __repr__(self): return f"Let({self.bindings!r}, {self.body!r})" class _Letrec(_LetExpr): """A recursive Let expression. .. seealso:: `Let`:class: """ def __repr__(self): return f"Letrec({self.bindings!r}, {self.body!r})"
[docs]class Let(_Let, AST): bindings: Sequence[Tuple[str, AST]] body: AST def __init__( self, bindings: Mapping[str, AST], body: AST, localenv: TypeEnvironment = None ) -> None: super().__init__(bindings, body, localenv) def translate(self) -> ILC: return LetLC( {name: body.translate() for name, body in self.bindings}, self.body.translate(), )
class LetLC(_Let, ILC): bindings: Sequence[Tuple[str, ILC]] body: ILC def __init__( self, bindings: Mapping[str, ILC], body: ILC, localenv: TypeEnvironment = None ) -> None: super().__init__(bindings, body, localenv)
[docs]class Letrec(_Letrec, AST): bindings: Sequence[Tuple[str, AST]] body: AST def __init__( self, bindings: Mapping[str, AST], body: AST, localenv: TypeEnvironment = None ) -> None: super().__init__(bindings, body, localenv) def translate(self) -> ILC: return LetrecLC( {name: body.translate() for name, body in self.bindings}, self.body.translate(), )
class LetrecLC(_Letrec, ILC): bindings: Sequence[Tuple[str, ILC]] body: ILC def __init__( self, bindings: Mapping[str, ILC], body: ILC, localenv: TypeEnvironment = None ) -> None: super().__init__(bindings, body, localenv)
[docs]def build_lambda(params: Reversible[str], body: AST) -> Lambda: """Create a Lambda from several parameters. Example: >>> build_lambda(['a', 'b'], Identifier('a')) Lambda('a', Lambda('b', Identifier('a'))) """ assert params result = body for param in reversed(params): if isinstance(param, Identifier): result = Lambda(, result) else: # TODO: Transform to pattern matching operators result = Lambda(param, result) # type: ignore return result # type: ignore
[docs]def find_free_names(expr: AST, *, exclude: Sequence[str] = None) -> List[Symbolic]: '''Find all names that appear free in `expr`. Example: >>> set(find_free_names(parse('let id x = x in map id xs'))) # doctest: +LITERAL_EVAL {'map', 'xs'} Names can be repeated: >>> find_free_names(parse('twice x x')).count('x') 2 If `exclude` is None, we exclude all special identifiers used internally after pattern matching translation. If you want to expose them, pass the empty tuple: >>> program = """ ... let length [] = 0 ... length x:xs = 1 + length xs ... in length ... """ >>> set(find_free_names(parse(program).compile(), exclude=())) # doctest: +LITERAL_EVAL {'+', ':NO_MATCH_ERROR:', ':OR:'} ''' from xotl.fl.match import MATCH_OPERATOR, NO_MATCH_ERROR from xotl.fl.match import Match, Extract, MatchLiteral from xotl.fl.ast.pattern import ConcreteLet, Equation POPFRAME = None # remove a binding from the 'stack' result: List[Symbolic] = [] if exclude is None: bindings: Deque[Symbolic] = deque([,]) else: bindings = deque([]) nodes: Deque[Optional[AST]] = deque([expr]) while nodes: node = nodes.pop() if node is POPFRAME: bindings.pop() elif isinstance(node, Identifier): if not in bindings: if isinstance(, str): result.append( else: assert isinstance(, (Match, Extract, MatchLiteral)) elif isinstance(node, Literal): if isinstance(node.annotation, AST): nodes.append(node) elif isinstance(node, Application): nodes.extend([node.e1, node.e2]) elif isinstance(node, Lambda): bindings.append(node.varname) nodes.append(POPFRAME) nodes.append(node.body) elif isinstance(node, _LetExpr): # This is tricky; the bindings can be used recursively in the # bodies of a letrec: # # letrec f1 = ....f1 ... f2 .... # f2 = ... f1 ... f2 .... # .... # in ... f1 ... f2 ... # # So we must make all the names in the bindings bound and then # look at all the definitions. # # We push several POPFRAME to account for that. bindings.extend(node.keys()) nodes.extend(POPFRAME for _ in node.keys()) nodes.extend(node.values()) nodes.append(node.body) elif isinstance(node, ConcreteLet): # This is much like the _LetExpr above; but patterns may bind more # names; but for a single equation. # # In the following (ill-programmed) expression the 'xs' is bound # in the first equation, but free in the last. However, 'tail' is # bound in the last equation. The name 'y' is free in the body. # # let tail x:xs = xs # tail2 y:ys = tail xs # in (tail, tail2, y) # # The patterns of each equation only bind variables in the RHS of # the same equation. So we cannot accumulate the nodes as in the # rest of the algorithm and we chose a recursive one: names = node.value_definitions.keys() for equations in node.value_definitions.values(): for equation in equations: args = tuple(equation.bindings) fnames = find_free_names(equation.body, exclude=exclude) result.extend( name for name in fnames if name not in args if name not in bindings if name not in names ) bindings.extend(names) nodes.extend(POPFRAME for _ in names) nodes.append(node.body) elif isinstance(node, Equation): # We don't normally enter this case but while doing dependency # analysis of the equations; we need to know the free variables of # each equation separately. args = tuple(node.bindings) fnames = find_free_names(node.body, exclude=exclude) result.extend( name for name in fnames if name not in args if name not in bindings ) else: assert False, f"Unknown AST node: {node!r}" return result
[docs]def replace_free_occurrences(self: AST, substitutions: Mapping[Symbolic, str]) -> AST: r"""Create a new expression replacing free occurrences of variables. You are responsible to avoid the name capture problem:: >>> replace_free_occurrences(parse_expression('\id -> id x'), {'x': 'id'}) Lambda('id', Application(Identifier('id'), Identifier('id'))) """ from xotl.fl.match import NO_MATCH_ERROR, MATCH_OPERATOR def replace(expr: AST, bindings: FrozenSet[Symbolic]): if isinstance(expr, Identifier): if not in bindings: replacement = substitutions.get(, None) if replacement is not None: return Identifier(replacement) return expr elif isinstance(expr, Literal): if isinstance(expr.annotation, AST): return Literal( expr.value, expr.type_, replace(expr.annotation, bindings) ) else: return expr elif isinstance(expr, Application): return Application(replace(expr.e1, bindings), replace(expr.e2, bindings)) elif isinstance(expr, Lambda): return Lambda(expr.varname, replace(expr.body, bindings | {expr.varname})) elif isinstance(expr, _LetExpr): newvars = {name for name, _ in expr.bindings} newbindings = bindings | newvars return type(expr)( {name: replace(dfn, newbindings) for name, dfn in expr.bindings}, replace(expr.body, newbindings), expr.localenv, ) else: assert False return replace(self, frozenset({,}))
def build_tuple(*exprs): """Return the AST expression of a tuple of expressions. If `exprs` is empty, return the unit value. Otherwise it must contains at least two expressions; in this case, return the Application the appropriate tuple-builder function to the arguments. Example: >>> build_tuple(Identifier('a'), Identifier('b'), Identifier('c')) Application(Identifier(',,'), ...) """ if not exprs: return UnitValue else: cons = "," * (len(exprs) - 1) if not cons: raise TypeError("Cannot build a 1-tuple") return build_application(cons, *exprs) UnitValue = Literal((), UnitType) def build_application(f, arg, *args) -> Application: "Build the Application of `f` to many args." if isinstance(f, str): f = Identifier(f) result = Application(f, arg) for arg in args: result = Application(result, arg) return result def build_list_expr(*items) -> AST: result: AST = Nil for item in reversed(items): result = Cons(item, result) return result #: The empty list AST expression Nil = Identifier("[]") def Cons(x, xs) -> Application: "Return x:xs" return Application(Application(Identifier(":"), x), xs)